Program Policy Committee

The Program Policy Committee (PPC) will be composed of members of the Advisory Board as well as other interested parties. The PPC will seek to include involvement of a diversity of experiences and perspectives including (but not limited to) executive/managerial staff, direct service staff/supervisors, community representatives, youth/young adults, BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ members.

The role of the Program Policy Committee is to:

  • Provide guidance and leadership on standards, policies and procedures for housing and services programs funded by the CoC including the Coordinated Entry System (CES)
  • Develop, revise, amend and recommend standards for the administration and operation of emergency shelter (ES), permanent supportive housing (PSH), rapid rehousing (RRH) and additional program models as funded by the CoC
  • Develop, revise, amend and recommend standards for the administration and operation of the CoC’s CES
  • Create a forum and systems for feedback, evaluation and continuous improvement of housing and service programs and the CES
  • Review data on the operations and outcomes of CoC programs and the CES and make data[1]driven decisions about revisions to policies and practices
  • Submit recommend policies and procedures for adoption by the Advisory Board



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